CommunityLive 2023, 海兰德软件公司的年度用户大会, just wrapped up another great week at Ceasar’s Forum in fabulous Las Vegas.  CommunityLive is a great opportunity for existing OnBase customers to share successes and insights with their peers as well as hear more detail on the latest innovations from Hyland Software leadership.  Some key areas that stood out during the event include:


为什么这很重要??  It is important because it flips the user adoption conversation completely on its head to the benefit of the user community.  随着新的OnBase App Builder的发布, 新的Web门户功能, and best in class integrations like the Salesforce/OnBase integration in OnBase release 23.1, user interfaces can now be simplified to provide interactions that match the needs of the user and the process they are supporting.   Excess clutter is removed giving clear visibility and focused user interactions to easily access critical business information and quickly act on required tasks.  Think for a moment about the role of an invoice approver where a simplified screen allows them to see just the critical components of that invoice and take action in a single click via a web browser, 一个电子邮件, 或者一个移动应用程序,在那里训练是直观的, taking only a matter of seconds to be fully productive in the process.


First, it is impossible to attend any event at the moment without some discussion around AI.  AI has become common conversation in our businesses and in our homes.  There were some great observations made at CommunityLive around the impact AI can have in 医疗保健, 保险处理, 及后台运作.  在人工智能方面,很少有公司走在前面, but acceleration to adoption is happening at a very rapid pace.  What I found most interesting were the use case discussions around AI and how Hyland is incorporating these capabilities into what has historically been one of the most robust workflow engines in the market.  Some potential scenarios heard throughout the week include Automotive Claims Processing where AI can interpret pictures to provide initial damage assessments and associate that to claims histories to provide early insight into claims remediation.  How about an AP invoicing scenario where not only can you assess historical trends to determine anomalies, but also extend that assessment into contract terms related to the invoice and match those terms against industry standards, presenting all of that intelligence to the processor of the invoice to make intelligent decisions.  最后, consider a scenario in healthcare where AI can determine patterns to help diagnose a disease such as Alzheimers, enabling pharmacological options that can slow the progression of the disease much earlier than it does today.  It is profound to consider all of the ways AI will eventually impact our daily lives.  One presenter described the phase of AI we are in as the “early flip phone” phase of mobile devices.  It’s hard to see all of the ways our lives will change, but you know that it is coming.


With all the discussion of new innovations and what might be coming on the technology horizon, it also provides great deal of comfort that Hyland continues to enhance and move forward OnBase which is time tested and to this day remains the most powerful, 灵活的, and configurable content management and workflow solution in the market.  随着版本23的发布.1, hundreds of new enhancements were included to continue to evolve the OnBase platform.  Some of the exciting highlights included a number of changes to the OnBase Web Client, 包括新的PDF功能, the new App Builder to create new simplified presentations of existing content, WebUI Framework to create custom portal experiences for internal or external users, 以及对工作视图的一些增强, which is the OnBase Low Code rapid development solution.

CommunityLive提供了一个产生新想法的场所, find innovative ways to extend existing investments, and reinforce relationships across the Hyland OnBase User Community.  If you have any questions on automation possibilities in your organization, please contact us at 

Content provided by Mike Sole, Director of 智能自动化 at LBMC技术解决方案. 如有任何问题,请致电mike与他们联系